我自己下载了 VirtualBox.box 然后添加到盒子里面, 最后 运行vagrant up 的时候 下面显示还需要下载 真不知道了
~/Workspaces $ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'workspaces' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> workspaces: Box 'laravel/homestead' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
workspaces: Box Provider: virtualbox
workspaces: Box Version: >= 2.0.0
==> workspaces: Loading metadata for box 'laravel/homestead'
workspaces: URL: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/laravel/homestead
==> workspaces: Adding box 'laravel/homestead' (v2.1.0) for provider: virtualbox
workspaces: Downloading: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/laravel/boxes/homestead/versions/2.1.0/providers/virtualbox.box
==> workspaces: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
workspaces: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
其他的都正常运行, 到了 第九步就出现重新下载 这下载我等了很久 到了60% 多 就报错,每次都一样