
17773 经验值

或者你把 token 先去掉,试试log以下 coding 发过来的信息

版本问题吧。。。你用的 laravel 5.2 ?

你确定路径是对的?这些文件请放在 resource/asset 里面、、、



//Kernel 下 handle 方法
 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        // other commands
    $first = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->addHours(9);
    $last = \Carbon\Carbon::today()->addHours(21);
    if (\Carbon\Carbon::now()->between($first, $last)) {

当然你可以把实际的代码逻辑写到对应的 cron 任务的 handle 方法中

Authentication 部分:

Secondly, the App\Services\Registrar class used in Laravel 5.0 is no longer needed. You can simply copy and paste your validator and create method from this class directly into your AuthController. No other changes should need to be made to these methods; however, you should be sure to import the Validator facade and your User model at the top of your AuthController.